Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ahhh Versailles... and the rest of Paris!

So it's been a while since we've updated the blog. I guess I should say hello from Rome, since we've been here a couple days... we've been too busy sleeping/eating and sometimes eating/sleeping, you know, when we need a change of pace. We have managed to make it out and see some sights, but first we need to finish with France!

Paris was amazing, and I am in love with this city, I can see why Jenn loved it here! It's so beautiful and there is so much to see and do! I could spend forever in Paris wandering the streets, stopping at cafes for an extended coffee break and to just sit and relax the day away. And this is only one city in a whole country, we didn't even make it past the city walls except for our trip to Versailles... I will just have to come back and see everything we missed and venture out into the countryside.

Our last full day here we took the train to Versailles
Versailles from the pond. It's so big!
and saw what a magnificent palace it is! The only problem was that they had a modern art exhibit going on so in the middle of all this extravagant and magnificent palace were displays of art that stuck out like a sore thumb. But besides that it was a lovely day, the palace was spectacular and the gardens were even better. You could definitely get lost out there if you got turned around. After enjoying a nice picnic we took a boat out on the pond and rowed around for a while.
Row! Row! Row!
Then it was time to head back to the city and go to the Eiffel Tower at night! Something that I have always wanted to do, and I was even more excited because I got to take some awesome night shots of Paris (see below). It was a magical day!
Ahhh Paris...

Unfortunately all things must come to an end, even our time in Paris... We spent the last day before we went to Rome taking a tour of the Opera house and visiting the Musee des Arts et Metiers, which is a museum of technology and the tools that have been developed to measure things (it's cooler then it sounds). We saw some really cool things there including Foucault's original pendulum.
Foucault pendulum.

So now we're in Rome, and will have to update you on our (mainly food related) adventures here! It doesn't feel like we're going to be home in less than a week...
The Seine at night.

The Eiffel Tower!

Monday, August 27, 2012

J'adore Paris!

We had another wonderful day in Paris... and how could you not!?!? Yesterday we visited D'Orsay a beautiful train-station converted into art museum where they have my favorite Degas statue of a ballerina as well as other amazing impressionist artist works like Monet & Renoir. 

We had a terrible waiter so Ryan proudly stole his pen.
Then we headed up to Montmartre where the bohemians live (a little Toulouse Lautrec anyone?) and to visit the La Basilique du Sacré Coeur! One of the best views in Paris from which you can see the Eiffel Tower. We stayed until well after sunset enjoying the view, had a few drinks and took a stroll by the Moulin Rouge.

Atop Sacre Coeur!
Exactly what the Louvre felt like after a few hours...

 Today we spent admiring the many many many works at the Louvre and enjoyed a very Parisian late night cafe whilst watching the locals attempt to weigh a very fat cat! Ryan was not all that impressed by the Mona Lisa, but it was interesting wandering around and watching him stumble upon (and take pictures of) some of my old favorites. Plus we got to see the Medieval Louvre which is an amazing medieval castle that they discovered underneath the current palace. I know we still didn't see everything there but after a full day indoors it sure feels like it! All in all we're having a wonderful time, we're going to be taking a little break from all the art and heading out to Versailles. But we're relying on my very poor directional skills so wish us luck!
"yeah, I can do that too..."

Venus de Milo

Just can't get enough Eiffel Tower!

Friday, August 24, 2012

First time in Paris for this uncultured American!

Ahhh Paris... I finally understand the legend behind this marvelous city. Within the first hour or so of being here I'd fallen in love with it. The splendor and beauty of this city is without bounds! I love the history that is here and the fact that as we wander the city it feels like we just happen upon famous and magnificent buildings and monuments. So far I've enjoyed my first Parisian crepe and some ammmazing cheese and champagne!
I had my first Crepe here!!!
All this in just the first night we were here!

Now that we've had time to explore the city properly today, that feeling has grown. I could spend forever here wandering the streets and enjoying the cuisine. This morning saw us sitting at Laduree (albeit not the one on Champs Elysees, which is the one Jenn wanted to take me too) enjoying some Cafe au Lait and some delicious pastries & bread. I can see why Laduree is so famous and would gladly go there for breakfast forever if I could.

Strolling along afterwards down Champs Elysees we made our way to the Arc De Triomphe and ascended to the top.
The Arc is amazing!
What an amazing view of the city, surrounded by what felt like the very heart of Paris.
The Champs Elysee from the Arc!
Afterwards we walked to Musée de l'Orangerie and saw the amazing water lily paintings! It was nice to sit after walking and take in the paintings in all their splendor.
The view of the Eiffel Tower from the Arc de Triomphe!

Monet's Nympheas Water lilies!
I'm definitely enjoying Paris and can't wait to go on other amazing adventures here!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm still not a wizard... But a few pitchers of cider help me feel magical!

Well London was a great time! The last day especially was amazing, spectacular, and mystical! we took a tour of Windsor Castle, the city of Bath, and Stonehenge! 

It was awesome seeing where the heads of the monarchy spend their time and greet their guests!
Windsor Castle! I wish I had pictures of the inside!
I would not be disappointed to be greeted in some of the halls and chambers in Windsor. Unfortunately, you can't take pictures inside Windsor since the Queen is actively living there so you'll have to take my word for it when I say that it's absolutely breathtaking. So many gilded statues and suits of armor and chandeliers. The abbey they have there too is really cool. We've been going to a lot of churches over here and it's interesting to see the similarities and differences between all of them.

After Windsor we went to the city of Bath. The remains of a Roman bath are here (hence the name of the town). They have a great museum here showing the remains of the bath and you can walk along the same path as ancient Romans.

Bath abbey with one of the most impressive stained glass windows we've seen so far!

It's a completely different feel to the history we've been seeing. Sure castles are old and impressive, but seeing this established Roman site so far from Italy, long before the time of English kings is amazing. But even more impressive than that is the fact that we went to Stonehenge next, 5,000 years in the past to a time basically forgotten.

The front of the abbey.


The Roman Bath!

Stonehenge is something to see and it's almost more about the area then the actual stones. The fact that ancient man moved these stones 250 miles to this spot and had the power and planning to hoist these huge rocks up is mind boggling! It started to storm while we were there and it completed the atmosphere of the area. The clouds and the rain really made the atmosphere of the whole area.
Stonehenge... Spooky!
All in all, it was a great tour with an awesome tour guide and three amazing stops!

 After our tour we went to a local bar that had many different ciders on tap and enjoyed our fair share of them! It was really cool because they had a hand pump tap system, it made it feel more authentic and old timey! Plus it didn't hurt that the cider was delicious and fairly strong!!!

On to Paris where we'll spend the next week taking in the amazing sights, tastes and smells of this amazing city!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Been a while!

Well since we last updated Ryan and I have been keeping very busy! We’ve moved onto London and have been traveling all over. We’ve had a few adventures since we got here- I stuck my feet in the English Channel, Ryan finally tried Pimms (My favorite British drink of all time), and this morning we accidentally broke into Westminster Abbey before it was open! We’ve also done a tour of the Houses of Parliament & Westminster Palace, seen the White Cliffs of Dover, gone up in the London Eye and checked out the British Public Library where we saw the original Guttenberg Bible! The only downside so far has been trying to find breakfast – it’s been a nearly impossible feat every day and although I don’t mind picking up a Porridge to-go, somebody (ahem) thinks it tastes like glue. We’ve also been missing our internet (which is why this update is soo delayed) and AC (and cold water.. very strange hotel) but it’s starting to cool down into the 70’s here so we’re much better today. So far we’ve had nothing but hot sunny days (as I jinx it all), haven’t had a very typical experience in Ireland or England. Can’t wait to go to Paris where it was 100* today!!! We’ve still got time for it to cool down though. Tomorrow we are heading up to Stonehenge and Windsor Castle which should be a fun but very long day so more to come later! Here’s some of the highlights until then.
Big Red with Big Ben!

Trying his hardest to get into to Hogwarts… Luckily King’s Cross Station can tell its wizards from its tourists!

Just don't look down!

Ryan, his Pimms, and the Tower Bridge- AMAZING spot for lunch tucked away behind the tower of London and the bridge.

So far so good on the weather…this is what its been like the whole time!

Somebody found a Blue’s Clue!

In the English Channel!

Like I said we've got plenty more to share and to see, but for now Cheerio London!