Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cliffs of Moher are amazing!

I can’t believe how beautiful it is here and how amazingly nice everyone is. The hotels we’ve stayed at so far are really cool! Staying in Castles is so much better than motel 6! The first attraction that we’ve seen is the Cliffs of Moher, and they were breathtaking! I can’t imagine being an early settler or seafarer and traveling along those ragged cliffs. It was a nice time to travel along the tops and to look down at the ocean below.
The Cliffs
we made a friend!
As for the food here, I tried my first black pudding, not knowing what it was, and then finding out shortly thereafter… wish I had known beforehand! The Guinness here tastes completely different and is more smooth and delicious then I could have ever believed! That and the Bailey’s we’ve been enjoying almost every night could be trouble!

One of our first ruins!
I’ll have to post later of our amazing activities here at the Castle (yes we’re staying at a castle) once I get the pictures from Bootsie and Therese.

I still can’t believe I’m in Europe!!!

The cliffs with the observation post that was built on the highest part.

Some statue we saw while driving through the plethora of roundabouts! (Seriously there's a TON)

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