Saturday, October 1, 2011

On the Road Again.

Ryan and I finally made it back on the road. If we've learned one thing its that you can't run away from life - it always catches up to you somehow. So we're continuing on not as a break from life but a chance to explore it. A little different and a lot colder we arrived in Montana yesterday. For those of you wondering what a car full of crap is like after a month it's not as bad as you'd think. After a quick stop for laundry and new towels we were on our way west again. Everything checked out okay so far until (of course) the tent, which dripping wet and slightly disgusting is now hanging over the balcony of our hotel room. So much for our backpacking adventures. Here's hoping that a little air and sunshine can work wonders. For you our lovely readers who've come back and joined us again here are a few shots from the plane to keep you entertained until we see you in Seattle!