Monday, October 31, 2011


Jenn plays the lap guitar a little... differently.
So we had a great time at Disney, despite the best rides being closed... After that we headed to Carlsbad and spent a few days there! We went surfing again and it was a little different since the waves were stronger and it was high-tide. We managed to get up a few times but didn't have enough water in front of us to really go anywhere. Still a fun time though! We had a quick stop in at a music museum that had a bunch of awesome instruments that helped shape the musical industry. I got to play a key-tar (which was awesome) and they had other hands-on exhibits that you could play!

I guess it's a HORN-monica (heh, heh, get it?)

After that we headed to Legoland!!! It was awesome, and I foresee a trip there with Curran sometime in the future! Not only were the rides fun but there were awesome sculptures everywhere! From dinosaurs to miniature cities, Legoland knows how to make some interesting things! Now we are in sunny San Diego, kayaking the day away at the La Jolla caves! It was a perfect day for it since there wasn't any surf which meant we got to go in and out of the caves. There were sea lions all around us sunbathing and jumping in and out of the water. We got pretty close to them and they were pretty interested in us! Next we're headed south of the border to Tijuana!

Tacos anyone?

Star Wars Legos!

New York!

Time square!

Looks pretty realistic for Legos!

1 comment:

  1. In a related story......
    Lego man to stay in police custody in Florida

    (AP) – 2 days ago

    SARASOTA, Florida (AP) — Lego man is going to stay in police custody for three months.

    Lego man, a 100-pound (45-kilogram), 8-foot(2.4-meter)-tall sculpture, didn't do anything wrong except wash up on a Florida beach. Sarasota County Sheriff Tom Knight says his office will hold the fiberglass sculpture for 90 days just like all other lost and found property.

    During that time, authorities will try to determine who the owner is.

    The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported that the local tourism bureau had hoped to use the Lego man to promote the area, but the sheriff says it needs to remain in police custody a little longer.

    The sculpture mysteriously appeared on a Siesta Key beach Tuesday.

    A Legoland theme park recently opened in Winter Haven, which is about 70 miles (110 kilometers) northwest of Siesta Key.
