Friday, November 4, 2011

I just saw Christmas Lights...

I guess that's a sign that we need to get moving? We just saw several fully decorated and lit up Christmas Trees down here in the south west... we're also supposed to get snow tonight. Luckily  for us we found the plethora of Motel 6 what a score! Sadly we finally made it out of California and have started heading back East. It's pretty scary to think we're starting our journey home! But we're also looking forward to seeing everyone again. The last few days we've been in San Diego, Tijuana, and Death Valley, and as usual we loved them all. Tijuana was another foodie paradise. REAL Mexican food is pretty different and pretty amazing. At our tour guides suggestion we decided to ignore the possibilities of Montezuma's Revenge and enjoy everything they had to offer like frozen margaritas and free shots of Tequila at all the local shops. Luckily enough he was right about things being much better with the water and we were fine! San Diego had a lot to offer and it was hard to leave but we knew we should not before we got to Kayak around in La Jolla Caves next to a community of sea lions playing around! After San Diego we headed out to Death Valley (and made it out alive too!) despite ferocious winds and with the help of about a ton of rocks we got our tent up, however it didn't quite survive being taken down and we lost a tent pole to wind damage. Despite the winds we went climbing both during the day and at night and found quite the amazing spot to see the stars. We hiked Golden Canyon and headed below sea level to the lowest spot in the country called bad water, because it was full of salt. Where the water had dried out there's just salt covering miles of ground, very cool! Haven't slept much in a few days so I think that's all for now, here's a few pictures from our travels!

Baby Panda from the San Diego Zoo.

Pumpkin Carving!

The Sea Lions we Kayaked with.

One of the sea caves.

Ryan enjoying his Mexican Margarita and rooftop views of Tijuana!

Yeah, we thought that was a weird street name too...


Ryan's on top of the world in Death Valley!

The salt field- That's all Salt!

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