Whew! Las Vegas... I have to say they may want to tone it down just a little. The "hotel room" was bigger than my last apartment! And that was a cheaper one - yikes! Can't even imagine what the suites are like. Anyways, we spent about two nights in Vegas. Made it to another show (LOVE that our student ID's haven't expired yet) this time it was Ka, one of the dozens of cirque de soliel Vegas has to offer. Hands down the coolest stage either of us has ever seen, and also a great performance. We also went up in the miniature Eiffel Tower, even half the size of the real one it was plenty for the two of us (I don't think I'll ever convince Ryan to go up in the real one) but it was fun to see the entire strip lit up at night. After Vegas we continued our Journey East to Williams, Arizona where it was 25 degrees and snowing (and we were in Flip flops) who knew Arizona was cold? Waking up with no ice scraper, hats, or real gloves and having our car in 4 or 5 inches of snow we decided to take the train up to the Grand Canyon. After bundling up as much as we could we headed over to the Grand Canyon Railway, also home to the polar express. It was quite the winter wonderland. While we quite enjoyed the whipping winds and icy paths, the Canyon left a little something to be desired. Only Kidding - reverse that. The Canyon is definitely a site that lives up to its fame. Unfortunately, between the snow and lack of reservations we weren't able to hike down and stay at Phantom Ranch which was our original plan so we will have to come back. After a few stops to see old friends, and take it easy in Winslow, Arizona, oh and our Wigwam Motel (!) - we finally arrived in Albuquerque to see Mikey and Anita! 17 days and counting until Thanksgiving - think we'll make it back to Boston?? Wish us luck!
Vegas from the Mini-Eiffel Tower. |
The Winter Wonderland that is Arizona. |
Grand Canyon covered in snow! |
More Grand Canyon.. |
Ryan wonders if this is where his Dad got him that shirt? |
Ryan and Ben with Ben's Mustang! |
In Sedona.. |
Our giant things saga continues, just wait you all haven't even seen the half of it. |
Wigwam Motel - inspiration for the one in the movie Cars (if you have kiddies). |
Blizzard #2 Begins, Thanks for being warm like you promised New Mexico! |
Ryan ponders the great question - if I pee on the Continental Divide will it travel to the Atlantic or the Pacific? Don't worry he didn't test his theory... |
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