Sunday, November 20, 2011

More Georgia!

We had a great time visiting Richard in Atlanta! While we enjoyed hanging out and had a blast telling stories we  also checked out a few sites like the best aquarium I've ever seen, and the very very scary world of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola with rides that punch you in the back, soda flavors that make you want to hurl and the most horrifying of singing creatures, really made us question that guide book again... However, we did have a few good laughs and see how coke is made and bottled which was kind of neat. The best though was truly the Aquarium I can't even begin to try and tell you about all the great stuff they had so you'll either have to go yourself or imagine from some of the pictures! Heading north and we can't believe that we're almost home. I guess its time we stop deleting all the job posting emails and really start looking.. yulk!


This was really cool, an entire wall of Aquarium viewing bigger & better than I-Max

Richard and I and the Fish!

Sea Otters! Got some great videos of him at feeding time so cute..

Spider Crab - Ryan wouldn't even look! :)

Sea Horses!

The Scary World of Coca-Cola

A view of skyline drive as we begin our journey North!

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