Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ruins, Relatives, and Recks

We made it to New Mexico! This week we've been having a blast with Mikey and Anita in Albuquerque. We checked out some Petroglyphs, Santa Fe, and ancient Pueblos. Unfortunately however at our last stop today I dropped my camera climbing out of a pueblo and got the black screen of death (that and a giant gap between the front and back) so it's off to Best Buy tomorrow to finally check out the new one Ryan's been telling me to get since I lost the side of it last year. I did manage to save my pictures though, and am currently backing them up just in case! Santa Fe was a blast, although wayyy colder than New York or Boston! We did manage to get into the heated pool for a little while despite the frost bite. We also saw the miracle church and Georgia O'Keeffe gallery. Ryan is finally starting to understand the crazy family he's gotten himself into - and he's loving it (wacko). Now we're back relaxing by the fire and getting our cat fix with Beaumont. Between the clean clothes, breakfast at a real table and great stories we're getting very spoiled. We're having so much fun who knows if we'll ever leave in time to get home for Thanksgiving... 14 days and counting...

An Albuquerque sunset and moonrise.


Two wise guys, you should see the first shot before they decided to play nice!

Ryan Climbing out of the Pueblo.

Ancient Pueblo Ruins!
Helloooo Anita!

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