Monday, August 15, 2011

Deep Fried and Beer Battered

It looks like Ryan has already told you all about the amazing time we had at the Wisconsin State Fair so I won't go through all that again, but I will give you some pictures of all the fun:
So much on a stick!!!!

Baby Animals!

Ryan enjoying his cheeseburger of death.

And you never leave without a cream puff - it might be a state requirement.

Also, for those of you that know me, you know I am not a beer girl (I love my Harpoon Cider too much!), but I have to say  Milwaukee has converted me at least for a little while. Ryan and I had some Miller yesterday, and whether it was the freshness, the state fair air, or the stomach full of deep fried concoctions I thought it was delicious. In fact I think a brewery tour just might be in order today so we can find out if this is going to stick.

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