Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wyoming has it out for us....

We are just not having a lot of luck in Wyoming. You heard about the flat tire and me getting sick, well now its Ryan's turn. We LOVE the Grand Tetons, however they do not love us. Half way up a very steep hike we got word of a bear in our trail. At this point its starting to get late so we think we'll just hike around the path where the bear is and still try to get to our campsite at the top of the mountain. That is until Ryan got very sick. Several miles in either direction we decided it would be safer to hike back down, and try and find him a real bed and back down the mountain we went. About two miles from the parking lot we saw a grizzly bear, not too close, but enough to make us want to pick up the pace... pooor Ryan. Then it got dark... what fun! So with all of our new found elite bear skills we sang our way down the mountain with flashlights and cellphones glowing found a campsite on the ground (every lodge was already full!) and slept it off. Feeling much better today we've decided to take a break in Bozeman Montana... wish us luck! More fun is on the way. Here are some of my awesome pictures, I also have some very cool videos of hail storms and old faithful that you will want to see!

More Buffalo on the road.

ahhh Yellowstone in December... I mean August... WHAT??

Hail left over on the tent

Hiking! (Don't mind my eye its just messed up right now)

Ryan takes a rest on the mountain!

View from the hike

More hiking views