Sunday, August 14, 2011

State Fair!!!

Three words: Wisconsin State Fair! I have never in my life experienced the pure awesomeness that is a state fair like this! There was so much to do and so much to eat as well! I had a burger that I'm pretty sure took a few years off my lifespan: krispy kreme bun, burger patty, with chocolate covered bacon on it. DELICIOUS! That and the fried butter were amazing... But nothing compares to the creme puffs!

Now, I've been privileged enough to have a mother that loves to bake and I have experienced creme puffs before, but not on this scale (Sorry mom!) The assembly line churned out these little bits of heaven right in front of us, and not only was it entertaining to watch, they were entertaining to eat! Kyle suggested I try the top part of the puff as a chip and the creme as salsa approach which worked well! I didn't end up with whipped cream all over my face like I thought i would.

Jenn and I also discovered a new musical artist which we will be listening to on the rest of our road trip. His name was Pat McCurdy, and he is pure awesome. Not only does he rock out, but he improvs and gets the crowd involved in great ways! We bought one of his CD's tonight and I suggest all of you check him out!

That's all for now, so much done and yet so much more to do!

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