Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not a great day...

So I have to tell you, today was not the best day so far.  We made it into Ten Sleep, Wyoming mostly due to Ryan's prowess. We received news of two earthquakes, one in Colorado and one back home on the east coast. Then we had our first flat tire. It's not so bad just a slow leak which we refilled at a few gas stations, but unfortunately we are/were in the middle of nowhere aka 105 miles to the nearest autozone and 50 miles to Walmart. So we keep on refilling and keep on trekking. Hopefully using some can o' fix a flat soon. Also, if you're one of our parents who we told where we were going you might be wondering why we are in Ten Sleep (60 miles further from where we were supposed to be camping outside Buffalo, WY) that would be my fault. I apparently have a problem with altitude changes... not the severe lungs bleeding organs exploding kind, but the more mild: severe headaches, vomiting, feeling terrible kind. That and the fact that where we were going to camp (about 8000 feet up) was a terrible rocky campsite with no running water led us to find a lovely cheap place with beds and a shower. Thankfully that put us back down out of the mountains and a few hours later I'm feeling much better. Mostly though, it was a waste of a day. Here are some pictures I took when I didn't have my head under the blanket and decided I might want to see the views later...

Saving grace of the day: The Ryan Jelly Bean Videos... remind me to show you when we get home!

1 comment:

  1. Jenn,
    Drink h20 constantly and Carb load.
    Walk slowly and deep breathe.
    Abq is only ~ 5300 but we can go up to 12k on the east side.:-)
